Superdrug buys (MUA & Sleek)

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

 I love this palette from sleek makeup, its called enchanted and i've done a make up look using this palette which should be up on my channel in the next few days. I love how there is so many shimmery shades and mattes in one packet. The colours are so rich and pigment and easy to apply. At only £8 you can't go wrong with this purchase. Enchanted Forest Eyeshadow

 Super drug have 2 for 3 on their sleek makeup range so I grabbed this contour kit along with all else. I'm really pleasantly surprised with the pigmentation of all of sleeks powders. The bronzer and blush is beautiful. The highlighter too, however I want a highlighter globe for the extra shimmeriness. Sleek Contour Kit

These lipsticks are only £1! There so moisturising and so easy to apply. When taking pictures of them I was surprised to find out that the colour base at the bottom of lipstick is actually a container full of product so if you want to apply the lipstick with a brush you can. 3 for 2 on these products too on the superdrug website. MUA lipstick

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